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Books Tour

Welcome to Books Tour, a new online home for everything books!

Travel the world of books in the Books Tour.  All aspects of books as cherished objects and vessels of information will be considered here.  This community is for the collectors, readers, and writers of books.  Topics of discussion will fall mainly into one of five broad areas: 

Acquiring: Bookstores, libraries, online marketplaces, auctions, and other places to buy and read books.

Collecting: What to look for, how to find them, understanding condition, and buying signed books.

Storing: Bookshelves, environmental conditions, and the display of your books.

Reading: Book clubs, ebook readers, and discussions about the content of books.

Writing: How to write and publish your own book.

In this community, @BooksTour will serve as the group facilitator.  We will post the occasional article and organize book club meetings.  But this community is a roundtable where everyone is welcome and encouraged to contribute.  What kinds of things could you post?

  • Post photos of your latest book finds!
  • Tell us about a recent book you read and give a review.
  • Show us your bookshelves and collections.
  • Introduce us to your favorite local bookstores and libraries.
  • Describe your book collecting or reading goals.
  • Review your e-reader devices and reading apps.
  • Promote your own book if you’re an author.
  • Anything books related!

While we may discuss books on politics, philosophy, and religion, this group is not intended to be political or advocate for any particular belief system.  Our common bond here is the love of books and our uniting principle is that of free speech.

So again, Welcome!  Please take an active part as we build this community. 

Head Tour Guide